Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hopefully everyone had a great thanksgiving and was loaded down with turkey and trimmings. This was a very eventful thanksgiving for us. Despite this being the first year for us to house the family dinner (30+ people) our daughter had a fun time with a case of the runs. Poor thing was miserable but was such a trooper through the whole thing. She started to get it Tuesday and it lasted through today (hopefully). The roughest part for us was that we just recently upgraded her from size 2 diapers to size 3. So, even though she fits the size 3 diapers she was leaking quite a bit through them. Many diapers, change of clothes, and laundry loads later she recovered.

The most interesting thing about her having this bad case of the bowels was that her attitude didn't change drastically. She would have some crabby moments but for the most part she was still a playful and hungry infant. Most of our discoveries of her ruined clothes was while she was playing amungst her toys. Which this meant that toys needed to be disinfected too.

All in all it made for a fun week of running smelly clothes to the laundry but I did happen to learn a few things and I'll share them.

First, always keep a bottle of shout or something to treat the stains near the changing table. This alone saved all of her clothes from being ruined for good.

Don't sweat having to do loads and loads of laundry. As much as it was a bummer to do a miniature load like that it also saved her outfits from stains and smells.

Diaper genie, Diaper genie. This thing is a miracle. It saved the house from smelling like a restroom stall. If you don't have one of these get one! They're a life saver!

Hopefully she is through this and we will go back to our old routine of less diapers and less frequent laundry runs.

See you all next time!

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