Thursday, August 14, 2008

Daily Tip: Should I Microwave My Babies Formula/Food?

This is a topic that me and the wife debated over alot when we first had our little girl. During our newborn 'training' class the nurse said that they do not recommend to heat your babies food in the microwave. The reasons that she sited for this stance is that a microwave can create pockets of extreme heat in the food. The recommendation that she officially made was that you either bring a pot of water up to temperature or to run hot water over the food.

Now, I understand that as a medical institution they have to tell you to do the 'safer' things in interest of lawsuits. God forbid someone put their baby's food in the microwave for 5 minutes while they take a shower with a hair blow dryer . By giving this recommendation it helps to stop those that would do something as backwards as warming up your kids food for as long as you would your own.

When me and the wife went home we followed what the nurse said to the T. We would heat up a glass of water and then let the formula warm up for 5 minutes while listening to our newborn daughter screaming her head off the whole time. Needless to say after a few weeks and couple bottles of Asprin we decided that we would only microwave the bottle for 5 seconds at a time. It was in this moment that we realized that with prudence you can find a middle ground.

In short: Although I'm not a licensed health expert, it is OK to microwave your babies food. From one parent to another always remember though to use some common sense.

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